Adventskonzert und Lucia-Markt in Eicherscheid

Dec 7, 2025


The "Eifelklänge" Eicherscheid invite you to an Advent concert in the St. Lucia parish church. Christmas classics as well as modern melodies will be played. The "Eifelklänge" youth orchestra will demonstrate its skills.

Afterwards, the traditional Lucia market will take place in a contemplative atmosphere on the forecourt of the Eicherscheid parish hall. Stall magic with mulled wine, hot chocolate, potato pancakes and waffles and, of course, a visit from St. Nicholas will ensure a pre-Christmas atmosphere for young and old. The proceeds go towards the maintenance of the parish hall.

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  • Only at December 7, 2025


Kirchweg 10
52152 Simmerath-Eicherscheid


Pfarrkirche St. Lucia Eicherscheid
Kirchweg 10
52152 Simmerath-Eicherscheid

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