Erlebnistour: Die schöne Helene lädt zum Stadtbummel ein
Apr 26, 2025 - Oct 11, 2025
"At a time when equality between men and women was still unimaginable, "Schöne Helene" ran the "Hotel de la Tour" in the former Richterisches Haus. The capable, self-confident woman was so successful that her establishment was once one of the best addresses in the city. Accompany "Schöne Helene" on a stroll through the winding alleyways of "her" town and see Monschau as it was and as it is today, from the perspective of a landlady who even impressed the crown prince in her time around 1900."
26.04.2025 15:00
05.07.2025 15:00
11.10.2025 15:00
90 minutes
€ 9.00 per person
Children up to 12 years € 6.00
Children up to 6 years free
Meeting point:
Gerberplatz in Stadtstraße 33, 52156 Monschau