Erlebnistour: Monschau Verzällche - Zurück in die gute alte Zeit
May 17, 2025 - Sep 27, 2025
This original and entertaining tour of the town illustrates how people lived and worked in Monschau in ancient times. You will hear stories about how resourcefully a man tricked his wife or how schnapps was secretly distilled. And what made the first emancipated woman of Monschau so extraordinary ...
17.05.2025 15:00
23.08.2025 15:00
27.09.2025 15:00
90 minutes
€ 9.00 per person
Children up to 12 years € 6.00
Children up to 6 years free
Meeting point:
Gerberplatz in Stadtstraße 33, 52156 Monschau